Venture Capital focused on Innovation in Travel & Tourism


We are very happy that you are interested in joining BAE Ventures. Please make sure that all information provided is correct. All fields are mandatory as it important for us to understand you and your business. Good Luck!

What is the name of your company?
What is your company's website?
This could be the primary location of your home office or the primary market your company serves.
Describe your Solution or Thesis.
Describe your business. How is your solution uniquely addressing the problem? Please keep your answer to under 100 words.
What is your product? What makes your product unique when compared to your competitors? Tell us about your Business. Please keep your answer to under 100 words.
Include revenue and active users. Who are your competitors? Please keep your answer to under 100 words.
Who are the founders or important teammates? Share your history with us! Please keep your answer to under 100 words.
What round of funding are you looking to raise?
How much do you plan to raise? How much of that has already been raised? What vehicle will be used (SAFE, convertible, priced equity)?
If you have another document, we should have a look at, upload it here.
Video guidelines: What your startup does? Who your product is for? Why it matters? Why are you and your product different? Why should we bet on the founders? All founders should present on the video. Teach us something new. Use slides, images, props, etc. as you like.